Source code for debits.paypal.form

import abc
import datetime
from django.urls import reverse
from debits.debits_base.processors import BasePaymentProcessor
from debits.debits_base.base import Period
from debits.debits_base.models import BaseTransaction
from django.conf import settings

# You can increase the profile amount by only 20% in each 180-day interval after you create the profile.

[docs]class PayPalForm(BasePaymentProcessor): """Base class for processing submit of a PayPal form."""
[docs] @classmethod def ipn_url(cls): return settings.IPN_HOST + reverse(cls.ipn_name())
[docs] @abc.abstractclassmethod def ipn_name(cls): """Django view name for PayPal IPN.""" pass
[docs] def amend_hash_new_purchase(self, transaction, hash): # cart = hash.pop('arcamens_cart', transaction.purchase.is_aggregate) items = self.init_items(transaction) # if transaction.purchase.item.is_subscription(): if hasattr(transaction, 'subscriptiontransaction'): self.make_subscription(items, transaction, transaction.purchase) else: self.make_regular(items, transaction, transaction.purchase, cart) items.update(hash) items['bn'] = 'Arcamens_SP_EC' # we don't want this token be changed without changing the code return items
[docs] def init_items(self, transaction): debug = settings.PAYPAL_DEBUG url = '' if debug else '' return {'business': settings.PAYPAL_ID, 'arcamens_action': url + "/cgi-bin/webscr", 'cmd': "_xclick-subscriptions" if hasattr(transaction, 'subscriptiontransaction') else "_xclick", 'notify_url': self.ipn_url(), 'custom': BaseTransaction.custom_from_pk(, 'invoice': transaction.invoice_id()}
[docs] def make_subscription(self, items, transaction, purchase): """Internal.""" items['item_name'] = self.product_name(purchase) items['src'] = 1 unit_map = {Period.UNIT_DAYS: 'D', Period.UNIT_WEEKS: 'W', Period.UNIT_MONTHS: 'M', Period.UNIT_YEARS: 'Y'} if purchase.item.subscriptionitem.trial_period.count > 0: items['a1'] = 0 items['p1'] = purchase.item.subscriptionitem.trial_period.count items['t1'] = unit_map[purchase.item.subscriptionitem.trial_period.unit] items['a3'] = purchase.item.price + purchase.shipping + items['p3'] = purchase.item.subscriptionitem.payment_period.count items['t3'] = unit_map[purchase.item.subscriptionitem.payment_period.unit]
[docs] def make_regular(self, items, transaction, purchase, cart): """Internal.""" if cart: items['upload'] = 1 i = 1 for child in purchase.aggregatepurchase.childs.order_by('pk') if purchase.is_aggregate else [purchase]: items['item_name_' + str(i)] = self.product_name(child) items['amount_' + str(i)] = child.item.price items['shipping_' + str(i)] = child.shipping items['tax_' + str(i)] = items['quantity_' + str(i)] = child.item.product_qty i += 1 else: items['item_name'] = self.product_name(purchase)[0:127] items['amount'] = purchase.item.price items['shipping'] = purchase.shipping items['tax'] = items['quantity'] = purchase.item.product_qty
[docs] def subscription_allowed_date(self, purchase): return max(, purchase.due_payment_date - datetime.timedelta(days=89)) # intentionally one day added to be sure
# TODO: Support Express Checkout #